Tag Archives: eco fashion

Did you know that the fashion industry is one of the largest polluters on the planet, second only to the oil industry? That sounds bizarre but when you think about the water pollution, water consumption, waste accumulation, microfibres, chemicals, carbon emissions, soil degradation and rainforest destruction involved in producing textiles – the fashion world has a lot to answer for.

And as consumers we can be just as much to blame. The ‘fast fashion’ habit – where you might buy a cheap top for a night out only to have it fall apart after a couple of washes so you throw it away – only exacerbates the problem.

What is “Sustainable Fashion”?

“Sustainable fashion” is a bit of a catch-all phrase for the growing movement within the industry towards a more environmentally conscious approach to design and production.

The industry is doing its bit to clean up their act by developing processes that are kinder to the environment and to the people involved in production. And you canfind designerswho focus on sustainability and fair trade, but you do need to hunt for them. I think it will be a while yet before sustainable fashion goes mainstream.

how can you be sustainable with your clothes

So what can we as consumers do in the meantime?