Category Archives: Style Personality

Well what a year 2020 was!

If you are like me, my saviour during lockdown 1 was PE with Joe.  I was home-schooling at the time, and that 30 mins in the morning meant that the day started with a positive experience.

And since that I’ve been lunging, squatting and crunching in the privacy of my lounge.  Now I can do a hiit session, but I’m no runner (and seriously admire people who can!)  I know that lots of people have taken up running and jogging too, or even incorporating a daily walk into their working from home routine.

But whether we are exercising alone in our own private space, or heading out to get some fresh air and miles in the legs, we will feel better knowing that we are not only improving our bodies on the inside, but we also look the best version of ourselves on the outside.

I often get asked ‘should my exercise gear be in my best colours?’ And my honest answer is ‘why wouldn’t it be’? When working out we tend not to have as much (or any!) makeup on, and our hair is tied up out of the way – all we have is the clothes we choose to wear to make us look good – so my advice is to make those clothes work hard for you.

Whatever type of exercise you do there are two important style considerations: Colour and Patterns


Colour: Colour will brighten up a January jog or a winter workout. Plus colour brightens up how we look too. So wear your best colour on your top and next to your face – this way that fab colour will reflect on your face and give the effect of a brighter healthier you (even before you start your work out!).

This vest from Sweaty Betty in teal – is great if you like your colour on the subtle side. Plus Teal is a universal colour, meaning that it looks great on many of us.

Sweaty Betty Athlete Seamless Vest, Green, £38

Sweaty Betty Athlete Seamless Vest, Green, £38

covid-19 colour consultation, covid-19 image consultant, covid-19 personal stylist


When I am in the appropriate tier and allowed to work face to face, this is an overview of what changes I have already made in my studio, which are aligned to the Government Guidelines.  

So what will be different?

Face to Face Consultations (in my home studio)

  • I have PPE in place, along with all other measures you would expect e.g. hand sanitising, distancing as much as possible etc
  • Due to the COVID guidelines for the virus on fabric, my fabric colour drapes need 72 hours between clients, so I have limited slots for Colour Consultations (I would advise that you book ahead to secure your date)
  • I will also be consulting in a different place within my house – to limit your exposure to soft furnishing etc, and have direct access to use any hand washing, toilet facilities
  • All facilities will be cleaned before your Consultation, and fresh hand washing towels etc will be provided


Face to Face Consultations (in your home environment)

  • I am also offering mobile consultations – where I come to your home environment
  • I will wear my (now) ‘normal’ consultations PPE, hand sanitise, even bring my own hand towel for hand washing, and minimise contact with items in your house eg seats, sides etc
  • I charge a little extra to cover the extra travel time (based on your location from my studio), but if you are more comfortable in your own surroundings, then this is a perfect solution


Virtual Consultations

  • However just because I can see clients face to face doesn’t mean that is the only option
  • I will still conduct virtual consultations online, as these have been working very well during lockdown
  • So if you are isolating, or just prefer a remote option, then virtual sessions are perfect for this
When its the start of a new season, its always best to remember what makes you uniquely you.  We don’t want to be clones of each other – we want to be the best version of ourselves.  Helping my clients do this is what makes me really happy as an Image Consultant and Personal Stylist.

Now is also a great time to have a declutter – so you know what you have, and what you might want for the new season to refresh your wardrobe to ensure you look current, and like the well dressed woman you want to be perceived as.

Each new season, the fashion industry and retailers bombard us with images of whats ‘hot’ right now.  How I tackle the new season, is to work with my clients to see how they can incorporate the latest trends into their wardrobe, whilst still feeling like themselves.

This Autumn/winter season we are seeing two opposing trends that I want to focus – to help you understand which might be ‘the trend’ for you.  These 2 trends are ‘Mixing Patterns’ and the ‘Tone On Tone Look’:

Yellow floral skirt and blouse mixed patterned look. Mustard tonal style

Seasonal Style Update
Booking is now OPEN for my (very popular and always fun!) SEASONAL UPDATES for SS’23


– The key trends for SS’23
– The ‘hot’ colours for SS’23
– How you can wear the latest trends, taking into consideration your colouring and body shape
– Tips and advice on how to put whole outfits together for the new season

– Handy take away guide

All from £25 pp (or bring a friend, and both of your tickets will be £20)

Please email me if you would like to book a Seasonal Update