Category Archives: Holiday Packing

summer holiday suitcase
How many times has this happened to you? You come back from a wonderful holiday in the sun with a great tan, your phone full of photos and videos, totally chilled – and a suitcase full of clothes only half of which have been worn? Okay so the laundry load may be lighter, but how frustrating is it to realise that there was no need to pack it all in the first place? Think of all the space you could have saved for souvenirs!

In the past I’ve fallen into this trap just as often as the next sun-seeker, and these days I have the double challenge of packing for my young son too. I often find my suitcase filling up with hisbooks, toys, inflatable crocodile and snorkelling gear. Add enough sun screen to sink a battle ship and you can begin to understand why I’ve now been forced to hone my holiday packing skills into a fine art.

It seems that we’re required to travel light these days. Airlines have put increasing restrictions on checked-in baggage weights and the volume of liquids you can carry with you are severely limited, so we can’t sneak things like cosmetics or toiletries into our hand luggage. They don’t make it easy for us girls, do they?

Over the years I’ve learned the hard way how to pack smart so now I’m sharing my top tips with you. My experience as a personal stylist has taught me how a simple holiday capsule wardrobe and just the right accessories can see me from beach to bar and beyond without breaking into a sweat.

Tip #1:Put everything you want to take out on your bed. Then put half of it back. That sounds a bit drastic but it forces you to focus. Be ruthless – you always wear less than you think you will!